Video Art for “what are the bare necessities” Performance


video art (work-in-progress)

Stills from bare necessities video art 🎬 that accompanied song n dance routine These are the images that shape what turns us on and more importantly justify the violence against people made out to be perpetrators protecting the people extracting land and labor through violence. We need to understand this and extract it from inside us

#decolonizedesire “consider systemic flaws >> that all our moves are shaped by crooks | imprinted deep like cruel hooks” 🎤 #internalizedoppressionisreal

#whitefeminism is the most enabling #decolonizedesire “look at our positionality | complex positionality | remembering our worries and our strife (that’s accountability)” 🎤

(in Hinduism it is done through caste system – not unlike social stratification of race) #hinduismiscolonialism #endislamophobia#decolonizedesire this is why it is inappropriate to appropriate both caricatures and cultures of indigenous and displaced indigenous peoples “why I won’t play mowgli in my life” 🎤

#decolonizedesire#nomoresaviors#liberationandfragilityarelikeoilandwater#waterislife “visioning liberation for our lives | dancing the liberation that is our lives” 🎤
f*cking up colonialist iconography (Hindu white internalized and otherwise) with power paws and bear a** #itsajumbleoutthere #showgxlaf#alldemlights #backstage with #boybaretwhat are our bare necessities 🌿🍯 Adapted lyrics * video art * costume * henna (@arkitectita) * song + dance#burlesquebostonpoc #wannaseemelivepaypal me link upstairs #workinprogress#whatareourbarenecessities

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